90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
90 stories pack
12 prayers
16 songs
What version of the Bible is used?
What version of the Bible is used?
We cross-reference a variety of versions of the Bible as a basis for our content, including ESV, KJV, NASB, and NLT. We are non-denominational Christ followers.
Are the stories accurate?
Are the stories accurate?
Our stories are based directly on the accounts recorded in the Bible, which we consider to be the infallible Word of God. We put great effort into ensuring our content remains Biblically accurate, while being comprehensible and relatable for children.
What content is included?
What content is included?
You will receive:
90 stories
16 songs
12 prayers
This is a total of about 5.5 hours of Biblical content.
What is the delivery time?
What is the delivery time?
This is a downloadable product. You get instant access after purchase.
What age is this intended for?
What age is this intended for?
You can play it to your very little ones, they will love it. But kids will play independently with it at about 3 years old.
How can I leave a feedback about my experience?
How can I leave a feedback about my experience?
We’ll be delighted to receive your feedback! To do so, please fill out the form on our contact page
Can I get some free stories before I buy?
Can I get some free stories before I buy?
You sure can! Head over to this page and download 3 full stories.
How to add to Tonies
How to add to Tonies
To add the content to your Tonies, you need to link it to Creative Tonies.
Below are links showing how to do that:
It takes 4 Creative Tonies to fit all our content.
How to add to Yoto
How to add to Yoto
We provide the content only and it is available to download.
You need to add it to MYO Yoto cards.
To add this to a Yoto MYO card, please follow the instructions there:
You will need 2 MYO cards to fit all our content.
How to Make a Jesus Tonie
How to Make a Jesus Tonie
Watch the video HERE
- Spray matte Mod Podge (optional)
- Exacto Knife (to cut off ears if desired)
- Acrylic paint- white, brown, tan, & color of choice for sash
- Matte Mod Podge
- Small paint brushes
- Tonie of choice- color doesn’t matter, but choosing the skin tone you
want will make it easier. Painting the face can be hard! I chose the red Tonie
with a medium skin tone.
1. Using an Exacto knife, cut off ears (if desired).
2. Spray with matte Mod Podge spray- this will make the Tonie feel tacky, and
the paint will stick better. DO NOT use the spray to seal at the end, as it
will leave your tonie feeling tacky, and will collect dust and debris. Allow to
dry at least 30min before painting.
3. Paint 4-5 coats (or until well covered) of white on the body, arms, and
legs. You can bend the arms up to paint underneath them. Allow to dry
completely in between each coat.
4. Paint 3-4 coats (or until well covered) of brown on the head and hair,
avoiding the face except for adding a beard. Allow to dry completely between
each coat.
5. Choose color for sash and paint 2-3 coats (or until well covered). Coat
amount could vary depending on color chosen. Allow to dry completely between
6. Paint hands and feet the same color as the skin tone. Usually this only
takes two coats to cover. Allow to dry completely between coats
7. Using matte Mod Podge and a paint brush you won’t miss (the Mod Podge
doesn’t clean up well from the bristles) apply a very thin coat all over the
Tonie. Allow at least 30 minutes to dry between coats. Apply 2-3 coats total.
8. Allow to completely cure overnight before letting your little play with it!
Enjoy your Jesus Tonie
Link for how to upload content: